
Check what's in store before running out the door.


UX/UI Designer

Project scope

mar - apr 2020

In a world where convenience is king, shoppers are frustrated with the inefficiency of visiting stores only to discover out-of-stock items. In 2022, studies found that 32% of consumers experienced issues with out-of-stock products, which led to 16% choosing a different store entirely. The need for a tool that can save users time by checking store inventory in real time was apparent.

Producheck is designed to empower users by letting them check store inventory from the comfort of their homes. The goal was to reduce frustration and wasted trips, improve the in-store shopping experience, and save time for busy individuals like parents or working professionals.

The problem

How can grocery shoppers shop safely and efficiently during a global pandemic?

Retail stores often face issues with inventory visibility. As a result, shoppers frequently visit stores without knowing if the products they need are in stock. This leads to wasted trips and frustration. For time-starved individuals like busy parents or professionals, this inconvenience adds unnecessary stress to their lives.


mobile app linked to grocery stores' live inventory with mobile purchase and pick-up.

Producheck offers a real-time inventory check, empowering users to make informed decisions before leaving their homes. By integrating directly with store databases, the app allows users to search for products and view stock levels across nearby stores, reducing unnecessary trips.

User story

Susan wants efficiency

Susan is a working mother of two. On a busy weeknight, she needs to pick up groceries for dinner, but doesn't have time to visit multiple stores. Susan uses Producheck to check if her local grocery store has the items she needs. Seeing that the vegetables are out of stock, she can avoid a wasted trip and instead order online from another store or adjust her dinner plans. This time-saving feature significantly reduces her stress.

Brainstorming, Info Architecture, & Sketching


To ensure the design addressed users' needs, I started by gathering insights through user interviews. I spoke to five users, including parents, working professionals, and students, to understand their pain points around shopping. The key takeaway was that users valued real-time information but needed the app to be simple and fast.

I also conducted competitive research on apps like Instacart and Shipt to identify gaps in their user flows. These findings led to three core pillars for Producheck:

Ease of Use

Users need a seamless way to check product availability with minimal steps.


The app must provide near-instant feedback on stock levels.

Comprehensive Information

Users want to see product alternatives and potential substitutions.

With these insights, I sketched out multiple flows, focusing on how Susan and others like her would interact with the app during high-pressure moments.


bringing life to the design

At this stage, I aimed to translate the sketches into low-fidelity wireframes to test the flow and interaction model with users.


During testing, one user commented, "It takes too many steps to get to the product I need." Based on this feedback, I simplified the flow by reducing the number of screens between the search input and stock information.

the process:

The wireframes went through two rounds of testing with five users, where the focus was on clarity, simplicity, and reducing cognitive load. Each screen's primary goal was to get the user to their desired product page with minimal friction.

Initial prototype

from lo-fi to high-fi

The first prototype was designed to validate the core user flow. It allowed users to search for a product, select a nearby store, and view availability in real time. The prototype was tested with a small group of users, including Susan, who immediately found value in seeing stock levels across multiple stores. However, early feedback highlighted the need for clearer navigation and stronger calls to action. For example, one user suggested, "It would be great if I could see nearby stores immediately without selecting one manually."

Based on this, I implemented a map-based feature that auto-populated nearby stores, saving users time and effort.

Final design

revamped UI

After refining the prototype, I focused on polishing the UI, creating a clean, intuitive experience with minimal distractions. Drawing inspiration from apps like Google Maps and OpenTable, I incorporated:

High contrast for visibility

The search bar and buttons are designed for easy accessibility, catering to users who need quick results.

Product alternatives

If an item is out of stock, users are automatically shown similar products, ensuring they can always find what they need.

Real-Time Notifications

If stock levels change while a user is browsing, the app alerts them instantly, reducing frustration and ensuring their trip is productive.


roducheck is designed to reduce the 20% of shopping trips that end in disappointment due to out-of-stock items. For users like Susan, this means fewer wasted trips and more time spent on what matters—family and work.


Producheck leverages real-time inventory tracking to solve a pressing user need. Throughout this project, my focus remained on the end user, ensuring that every design decision was made with their experience in mind. From user research to iterative testing, I prioritized ease of use, speed, and utility, making this a tool that genuinely adds value to people’s lives.

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